Jay Voorhees
Coordinating Pastor
revjayv@gmail.comThe Reverend Jay Voorhees was appointed as the Coordinating Pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church on July 1, 2024. In addition to serving the Montpelier community, Jay is also the coordinating pastor for Grace UMC in Plainfield and the Northfield United Methodist Parish.Before coming to Vermont, Jay served for 25 years in the Nashville, TN area, spending the last 10 as the lead pastor of the City Road Chapel UMC which was a hub for services for the homeless throughout the city. Jay founded Call the Name Nashvillewhich provides burial rituals for those who are declared abandoned by the city and who would have been buried alone. In 2010, Jay co-founded Southeast Nashville Flood Recovery (now The Branch) in response to the major flooding that year, leading to providing services to over 300 households.Jay is living in Montpelier with his wife, Mary Christy, and their huskie, Faolin. Jay and Mary have three grown children, Syl, Grace, and Anna.Jay also has a sporadic blog at Only Wonder Understands.
Melissa Neilson
Church Administrator
trinityvermont@gmail.comMelissa is a native Vermonter who gives of her time to assist with the administrative functions of our church. Melissa is available at the church on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.