Here’s what’s happening at Trinity UMC this week:
Our Prayer Shawl Group is getting back together after a time away. They will be gathering at Linda Hunter’s home (182 Elm Street, Montpelier) at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. The Prayer Shawl group gets together for conversation and knitting, and all are welcome. No knitting skills are required.
The Chasing Francis Discussion Group will continue meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. This week, we will discuss art and beauty. Click here to email Jay for the Zoom info.
Contributions needed for the Good Samaritan Home Meal
For many years, different groups at Trinity have supplied a monthly meal to the Good Samaritan Home in Barre to feed approximately 20 people. This month was to be the choir’s responsibility but without a regular choir, we’re asking for contributions from our congregation. We need a main dish such as a casserole for 15 to 20 people, although two casseroles would be fine too. We also need a salad, bread or rolls, dessert amd drinks. Dick and Kathi Smith will deliver this meal on Saturday afternoon, October 26th.
Recently we’ve been able to use some of the leftover casseroles from the Thursday Community Lunch, but now that we are feeding 70-90 people at lunch, there isn’t much leftover.
If you can help with a food donation this month or in coming months, please contact: Dick Smith at or Stephanie Krauss at
Community Lunch at Christ Church on Thursdays – Volunteers Needed
Do you like to cook or bake? Or do you have a few hours you’d like to volunteer to help on Thursdays? We’re a fun team and welcome anyone who would like to donate a casserole, dessert, muffins, or a bit of time. We can always use extra hands on Thursdays between 9:30 and 1:00. Come for an hour or for the whole time! Contact Stephanie Krauss for more information.
Stephanie Krauss
(H) 802-229-5819
(C) 802-272-1011